Sunday, 17 October 2010

Art in the park

Went to the Frieze art fair yesterday in Regent's Park - a huge exhibition with contemporary exhibits from galleries around the world.  The crowd def had an international flavour, quite heavy on expensively-dressed French/Spanish/Italians, with some weird-and-whacky art student types and a sprinkling of Beautiful People.  In between the people-watching, I did manage to see lots of art, some of it intriguing and inspiring and other pieces just a bit ... odd.

This piece (Untitled, by Jason Martin) falls into the former category, the intensity of the colour is amazing and I love the tactile simplicity.  It's apparently just pure pigment, layered incredibly thickly.

I also really liked this, by Michael Bauch, both for the vivid colour but also the repetitive simplicity of the cut-out sections.  I'm sure I'm missing lots of deep meaning in the piece, but maybe my recent art enrollment will enlighten me.  And in the meantime I'm enjoying just looking.


  1. I like the bottom one especially, like the Very Hungry Caterpillar had a go along the edge of a grass leaf

  2. Can just imagine him (?her) munching his way along. Although can imagine the artist being shocked at our low-brow-ness.
